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Journey to Miami for an Elite Meeting

The 4Ward Marketing Group travel program gives team members chances to see the world together while also connecting with industry leaders from across the globe. Our most recent event was the Elite Meeting, a national leadership conference held in Miami.

Qualifying ambassadors for good drove down the day before the event, deepening the connections they had with their coworkers. After the conference, everyone enjoyed dinner together and returned home the following day. Not only was this an incredible chance to network with top professionals from across the country, but we drew together as a team as well.

The team-building aspect of travel is just one of the many benefits we receive from getting out of the office as a group. Trips like the Elite Meeting also provide external training that supports and builds on our comprehensive in-office development. When our people have access to all the tools and knowledge they need to realize their personal and professional potential, both they and 4Ward Marketing Group thrive.

Another major benefit from our travel program is that it teaches event managers how to set and achieve goals. When we announce a trip, we make sure everyone knows exactly what it takes to qualify, how long they have, and what makes the opportunity special – all elements of a properly set goal.

The Elite Meeting was a success on many levels.

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